Thursday, June 18, 2009


I have started to realize all the stuff I'm going to need!! It's been almost 3 1/2 years since we did this whole baby thing! hhaa. I am going to check one thing off my list each week, lest it appear like a giant shopping spree.

My item of the week? A nursing cover!!! I had no idea these existed with baby Emma and was always finagling a blanket and trying to cover myself. haha. And "real" brands cost $35 -- but on (my favorite place!) I found a handmade one for $21! It is sooooo cute, if I do say so myself. Here's a picture of the fabric. Boy colors for Sam, but girly flowers for me!

Well, I am off for my nap!


  1. You can't fly a plane at 23-24 weeks? I was planing on flying home to see my family over Thanksgiving, but my due date is around the first week of January! I sure hope I can go home. On they don't have any restrictions on pregnant women flying. I guess we'll just have to see how I feel by then.
    I love the nursing cover too :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Best invention ever!! And oh so fashionable too! :)

  4. I have a "hooter hider" and it has like boning or something it at the top for up by your neck so you can easily look down at baby while he is nursing with out having to mess with it. It is my best friend...espesh when people aren't quite sharp enough to know they need to offer you more privacy! :)
